Post Operative Instructions for Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy – Vaginal, Abdominal or Laparoscopy Assisted

Though you are well enough to return home following your surgery, there are a few instructions that will assist you when you return to your home environment.

1. Even though you may feel well, your body needs plenty of rest to heal. Take it easy those first few weeks. Don’t work. Drink plenty of fluids, at least 2-3 quarts per day, especially during the first week. Let your family assist you. Try to sleep at least 8-10 hours per day.

2. Use stairs sparingly, once or twice per day if possible. Don’t lift more than 15 pounds during those first two weeks.

3. Pelvic rest is advised for at least six weeks, or until you have been advised differently by your physcian. Pelvic rest means no sex, tampons, or douching.

4. Please advance your diet slowly. Avoid fatty foods or dairy products until your appetite and bowel functions have returned to normal. Gas and constipation can usually be remedied with over the counter preparations such as Milk of Magnesia, Colace, Mylicon or Fibercon.

5. Some vaginal bleeding or serous discharge is normal following surgery. However, heavy vaginal bleeding like a period or foul smelling discharge should prompt you to call the office for assistance.

6. Although some postoperative pain is unavoidable, this pain should be adequately relieved by medications prescribed. Should you not receive adequate relief, please call the office for assistance.

7. Abdominal incision should not require any special care, except for avoiding immersion in the tub. Showers are perfectly acceptable. Pat incision dry and even use a blow dryer. Should the incision show signs of drainage, redness, bleeding or gaping, please call the office.

8. Remember that you should be seen in 1-2 weeks from the time of discharge from the hospital. Please be sure to call for your appointment.

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